

Why Exhibit


GTS 2024 is the global platform that aims to connect International Companies to showcase their products and services with the developing market of Ghana & other West & Central African countries. It will provide wider opportunities for International and Ghana Enterprises to stand out with their distinctive products & explore the current requirement of the market.

Advantages of Participating in Ghana Trade Show 2024

Increased Exposure: General Exhibitions typically attract a larger and more diverse audience compared to Specialized Exhibitions. This means that participating in a General Exhibition can provide more exposure to a wider range of potential customers and stakeholders.

Cost-Effective: General Exhibitions are often more cost-effective than specialized exhibitions, as they require less investment in specialized equipment and marketing. This can make them a more accessible option for small businesses or those with limited budgets.

Networking Opportunities: General Exhibitions provide ample opportunities to network and meet new people from a variety of industries and backgrounds. This can lead to new partnerships, collaborations, and even potential investors.

Brand Visibility: Participating in a General Exhibition can help increase brand visibility and recognition. As there are usually many other exhibitors and visitors present, this can help raise awareness of your brand and products/services.

Market Research: General Exhibitions can be a great opportunity to conduct market research and gain insights into industry trends, competitor products/services, and customer preferences.

Overall, General Exhibitions offer a unique opportunity to connect with a diverse range of people and businesses, which can help to expand your reach and grow your business.

Why Ghana?

Ghana's wealth of resources, democratic political system and dynamic economy, makes it undoubtedly one of Africa's leading lights. Gaining the world's confidence with a peaceful political transition and a grounded and firm commitment to democracy has helped in expediting Ghana's growth in foreign direct investment (FDI) in recent years.

Ghana has recently embarked on an ambitious but achievable reform programme to improve the investment climate for both local and international investors. These efforts have paid off tremendously with Ghana being ranked the best place for doing business in West Africa, ahead of Nigeria and Cote d’Ivoire, according to the 2017 Ease of Doing Business Report.